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CA Single Sign-On Online Training, Tutorials, Interview Q&A

Q. What are the LDAP logs?

  • access logs (search, modify, delete--0,1,2 success,49 -unsuccess)
  • error logs (replication errors and all unindexed searches)
  • audit logs (updates)

    Q. What are the config files in LDAP?

  • 99user.ldif (schema information regarding objects and attributes) and
  • dse.ldif (all suffix, ports, index, replication, aci, performance, plug in-information & log location)

    Q. What is ACI? Explain?

    ACI means access control instructions that determines what permissions are granted to users, who access on particular branch for list of attributes in the directory.

    Q. What is changelog DB and retrochange log?

    Updates in directory server, Master check its updates from changelog DB. The information present in changelogDB is in binary form to convert this binary we use retrochnagelogdb plug-in.

    Q. What is replication? What types it contains? what is the replication id range?

    Replication is Sinking data from one server to another server or sync data.
    It contains 1) master - Read&Write 2) consumer - only Read 3) hub - no Read &Write
    The replication id range is 1 to 65534

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    Q. What is referral?

    Transferring request from consumer to master is also called referral. Or It reads the changelogDB and it transfers updates to master

    Q. What is Schema?

    Schema are the set of rules that describes what kind of data is stored. It helps to maintain consistency and quality of data and reduces duplication of data. Object class attribute determines schema rules the entry must follow.

    Q. What is SSO?

    Single Sign On is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With this property a user logs in with a single user login to gain access to connected systems without being prompted for different usernames or passwords or in some configurations seamlessly sign on to all system.

    Q. What is Siteminder or Policy Server?

    Siteminder (Policy Server) is access management tool which provides authentication, authorization & Single Sign-On for application which are integrated with siteminder.

    Q. What are authorization events?

    a) OnAccesAccept
    b) OnAccesReject

    Q. What are Authentication events?

    a) OnAuthAccept
    b) OnAuthAttempt
    c) OnAuthChallenge
    d) OnAuthReject
    e) OnAuthUserNotFound

    Q. How is authentication scheme context available to webservers from Siteminder?

    By siteminder default HTTP headers

    Q. Types in agent keys in SiteMinder?

    a. Dynamic Key b. Static Key

    Q. In what format policy store key is stored in SiteMinder?

    The policy store key is stored in the key stash file using a proprietary encryption technique. The policy store key is used directly or indirectly to encrypt all other keys. Policy Store key is the Policy Server's most critical key

    Q. What are the ways to End sessions in CA Siteminder?

    a. User Logout of system
    b. Session Times out, asking user to re-enter credentials
    c. User is disabled by system Manager

    Q. How do you integrate new application?

    New application can be integrated by Onboarding the application.

    Q. Named expressions enable you to?

    Expressions enables you to define reusable expressions.

    Q. When using the Active Directory namespace, which Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (IDAP) feature can you implement?

    SSL connectivity using a native Windows Certificate database.

    Q. Which feature applies to application roles?

    Application Roles define a set of users who have access to an application resource or a group of application resources.

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